12 research outputs found

    Design and development of polymer optical fiber based platforms for glucose detection.

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    127 p.Tesi-lan honetan polimerozko zuntz optikoetan oinarritzen diren glukosa detekzioa egiteko bi plataformaaurkezten dira. Lehenik eta behin, tesiaren testuingurua deskribatzen da, horretarako biosentsoreen zeinpolimerozko zuntz optikoen oinarriak, garapen historikoa eta mugarri garrantzitsuenak azalduz. Ondoren,tesian zehar jorratzen diren detekzio tekniken azalpen teoriko bat egiten da, uhin ebaneszentea eta Ramanespektroskopia zer diren azalduz.Horren ostean, lehen detekzio plataforma azaltzen da, U formako nukleo hutsezko polimerozko zuntzoptikozko zunda bat erabiliz. Zunda honen gainazala fenilboroniko taldeekin funtzionalizatu eta AlizarinRed S izeneko koloratzailearekin kargatzen da. Honenbestez, zundaren ingurunean glukosa badago,glukosak koloratzailea desplazatu eta uhin ebaneszentearen xurgapenean aldaketak emango dira,glukosaren detekzioa gauzatuz. Honela, glukosa 0.1 mol/l-ko kontzentrazioan eta hainbat inguruneezberdinetan detektatu da.Hurrengo kapituluan, bigarren detekzio plataforma azaltzen da, zuntz bidez anplifikaturiko Ramanespektroskopian oinarritua. Kasu honetan, likidoz beteriko nukleodun polimerozko zuntz optikomikroegituratuak diseinatu, fabrikatu eta hiru zuntzen arteko konparaketa egiten da. Kasurik onenean, 5mmol/l-ko kontzentrazioan aurkitzen glukosaren zenbaketa limitea lortzen da ingurune urtsuan,erresoluzio nahikoa izanik SGLT2 inhibitore terapiaren jarraipena egiteko maila klinikoan.Azkenik, bi detekzio sistemak aplikazio errealetan erabiltzeko zein hobekuntza egin behar diren azaltzenda, esparru horietako lehen emaitza batzuk azalduz

    Design and development of polymer optical fiber based platforms for glucose detection.

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    127 p.Tesi-lan honetan polimerozko zuntz optikoetan oinarritzen diren glukosa detekzioa egiteko bi plataformaaurkezten dira. Lehenik eta behin, tesiaren testuingurua deskribatzen da, horretarako biosentsoreen zeinpolimerozko zuntz optikoen oinarriak, garapen historikoa eta mugarri garrantzitsuenak azalduz. Ondoren,tesian zehar jorratzen diren detekzio tekniken azalpen teoriko bat egiten da, uhin ebaneszentea eta Ramanespektroskopia zer diren azalduz.Horren ostean, lehen detekzio plataforma azaltzen da, U formako nukleo hutsezko polimerozko zuntzoptikozko zunda bat erabiliz. Zunda honen gainazala fenilboroniko taldeekin funtzionalizatu eta AlizarinRed S izeneko koloratzailearekin kargatzen da. Honenbestez, zundaren ingurunean glukosa badago,glukosak koloratzailea desplazatu eta uhin ebaneszentearen xurgapenean aldaketak emango dira,glukosaren detekzioa gauzatuz. Honela, glukosa 0.1 mol/l-ko kontzentrazioan eta hainbat inguruneezberdinetan detektatu da.Hurrengo kapituluan, bigarren detekzio plataforma azaltzen da, zuntz bidez anplifikaturiko Ramanespektroskopian oinarritua. Kasu honetan, likidoz beteriko nukleodun polimerozko zuntz optikomikroegituratuak diseinatu, fabrikatu eta hiru zuntzen arteko konparaketa egiten da. Kasurik onenean, 5mmol/l-ko kontzentrazioan aurkitzen glukosaren zenbaketa limitea lortzen da ingurune urtsuan,erresoluzio nahikoa izanik SGLT2 inhibitore terapiaren jarraipena egiteko maila klinikoan.Azkenik, bi detekzio sistemak aplikazio errealetan erabiltzeko zein hobekuntza egin behar diren azaltzenda, esparru horietako lehen emaitza batzuk azalduz

    Refractive-Index Profile Reconstruction in Graded-Index Polymer Optical Fibers Using Raman Spectroscopy

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    This work reports a novel method to create a 3D map of the refractive index of different graded-index polymer optical fibers (GI-POF), measuring the Raman spectra at different points of their transverse sections. Raman fingerprints provide accurate molecular information of the sample with high spatial resolution. The refractive index of GI-POFs is modified by adding a dopant in the preform; therefore, by recording the intensities of the Raman peaks related to the dopant material, a 3D map of the refractive index is rendered. In order to demonstrate the usefulness of the method, three different GI-POFs were characterized and the obtained results were compared with the information provided by the manufacturers. The results show accurate 3D maps of the refractive index taken in the actual GI-POF end faces, showing different imperfections that manufacturers do not take into account, such as the slight deviations of the azimuthal symmetry. The simplicity and the feasibility of the technique mean this method has high potential for fiber characterization purposes.This work was funded in part by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades under project RTI2018-094669-B-C31, and in part by the GobiernoVasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza IT933-16, ELKARTEK KK-2019/00101 (μ4Indust), and ELKARTEK KK-2019/00051 (SMARTRESNAK). The work of Angel Ortega-Gomez is funded by a PhD fellowship from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Mineco) of Spain

    Fabrication of Active Polymer Optical Fibers by Solution Doping and Their Characterization

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    This paper employs the solution-doping technique for the fabrication of active polymer optical fibers (POFs), in which the dopant molecules are directly incorporated into the core of non-doped uncladded fibers. Firstly, we characterize the insertion of a solution of rhodamine B and methanol into the core of the fiber samples at different temperatures, and we show that better optical characteristics, especially in the attenuation coefficient, are achieved at lower temperatures. Moreover, we also analyze the dependence of the emission features of doped fibers on both the propagation distance and the excitation time. Some of these features and the corresponding ones reported in the literature for typical active POFs doped with the same dopant are quantitatively similar among them. This applies to the spectral location of the absorption and the emission bands, the spectral displacement with propagation distance, and the linear attenuation coefficient. The samples prepared in the way described in this work present higher photostability than typical samples reported in the literature, which are prepared in different ways.This research was funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) (TEC2015-638263-C03-1-R) and by Eusko Jaurlaritza (ELKARTEK KK-2016/0030, ELKARTEK KK-2016/0059, ELKARTEK KK-2017/00033, ELKARTEK KK-2017/00089, IT933-16). The work of Mikel Azkune was supported in part by a research fellowship from the Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), Vicerrectorado de Euskera y Formacion Continua, while working on a Ph.D. degree

    Characterization of Chromatic Dispersion and Refractive Index of Polymer Optical Fibers

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    The chromatic dispersion and the refractive index of poly(methyl methacrylate) polymer optical fibers (POFs) have been characterized in this work by using a tunable femtosecond laser and a Streak Camera. The characterization technique is based on the measurement of the time delays of light pulses propagating along POFs at different wavelengths. Polymer fibers of three different lengths made by two manufacturers have been employed for that purpose, and discrepancies lower than 3% have been obtained in all cases.This work has been funded in part by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under project TEC2015-638263-C03-1-R, and by the Gobierno Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza under projects IT933-16 and ELKARTEK (KK-2016/0030, KK-2017/00033, KK-2017/00089 and KK-2016/0059). The work of Mikel Azkune was supported in part by a research fellowship from the Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), Vicerrectorado de Euskera y Formacion Continua, while working on a Ph.D. degree

    Fabrication and characterization of active polymer optical fibers with a ring-doped structure

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    This paper employs the solution-doping technique for the fabrication of polymer optical fibers (POFs) doped with two perylene derivatives, Lumogen Yellow 083 and Lumogen Red 305, in different combinations. With the solution-doping technique is very easy to control the amount of dopant penetration into the core of non-doped uncladded fibers, allowing the fabrication of active POFs with a novel ring-doped structure. In addition to manufacturing the fibers, these have also been optically characterized. Specifically, the influence of the combination of dopants, pumping power and wavelength, as well as the light propagation distance, have been measured and analyzed. Furthermore, time-resolved emission characteristics have also been measured to determine the fluorescence lifetimes and to extract information about the energy transfer between the dopants. Finally, the aim of this work has been to investigate the performance of the aforementioned POFs for fluorescent lighting applications, with a special focus on tunable light sources, and also for sensing applications.These results are funded in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación -under projects RTC2019-007194-4, PID2021-122505OB-C31 and TED2021-129959B-C21,- and in part by Gobierno Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza under projects IT1452-22 and ELKARTEK (KK‑2021/00082, KK‑2021/00092)

    Hydrogel-Core Microstructured Polymer Optical Fibers for Selective Fiber Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy

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    A new approach of Fiber Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (FERS) is described within this article based on the use of Hydrogel-Core microstructured Polymer Optical Fibers (HyC-mPOF). The incorporation of the hydrogel only on the core of the Hollow-Core microstructured Polymer Optical Fiber (HC-mPOF) enables to perform FERS measurements in a functionalized matrix, enabling high selectivity Raman measurements. The hydrogel formation was continuously monitored and quantified using a Principal Component Analysis verifying the coherence between the components and the Raman spectrum of the hydrogel. The performed measurements with high and low affinity target molecules prove the feasibility of the presented HyC-mPOF platform.This work was funded in part by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades under projects RTC2019-007194-4, RTI2018-094669-B-C31 and MAT2014-5742 R and in part by the Gobierno Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza IT933-16, ELKARTEK KK-2019/00101 (μ4Indust), and ELKARTEK KK-2019/00051 (SMARTRESNAK)

    U-Shaped and Surface Functionalized Polymer Optical Fiber Probe for Glucose Detection

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    In this work we show an optical fiber evanescent wave absorption probe for glucose detection in different physiological media. High selectivity is achieved by functionalizing the surface of an only-core poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) polymer optical fiber with phenilboronic groups, and enhanced sensitivity by using a U-shaped geometry. Employing a supercontinuum light source and a high-resolution spectrometer, absorption measurements are performed in the broadband visible light spectrum. Experimental results suggest the feasibility of such a fiber probe as a low-cost and selective glucose detector.This work has been funded in part by the European Regional Development Fund; in part by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under project TEC2015-638263-C03-1-R; and in part by the Gobierno Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza under projects IT933-16, IT718-13, and ELKARTEK (KK-2016/0030, KK-2017/00033, KK-2017/00089, KK-2016/0059). Authors are also grateful to the technical and human support provided by SGIKER (UPV/EHU, MICINN, GV/EJ, ERDF, and ESF). The work of Mikel Azkune was supported in part by a research fellowship from the Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), Vicerrectorado de Euskera y Formacion Continua

    Design and development of polymer optical fiber based platforms for glucose detection.

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    127 p.Tesi-lan honetan polimerozko zuntz optikoetan oinarritzen diren glukosa detekzioa egiteko bi plataformaaurkezten dira. Lehenik eta behin, tesiaren testuingurua deskribatzen da, horretarako biosentsoreen zeinpolimerozko zuntz optikoen oinarriak, garapen historikoa eta mugarri garrantzitsuenak azalduz. Ondoren,tesian zehar jorratzen diren detekzio tekniken azalpen teoriko bat egiten da, uhin ebaneszentea eta Ramanespektroskopia zer diren azalduz.Horren ostean, lehen detekzio plataforma azaltzen da, U formako nukleo hutsezko polimerozko zuntzoptikozko zunda bat erabiliz. Zunda honen gainazala fenilboroniko taldeekin funtzionalizatu eta AlizarinRed S izeneko koloratzailearekin kargatzen da. Honenbestez, zundaren ingurunean glukosa badago,glukosak koloratzailea desplazatu eta uhin ebaneszentearen xurgapenean aldaketak emango dira,glukosaren detekzioa gauzatuz. Honela, glukosa 0.1 mol/l-ko kontzentrazioan eta hainbat inguruneezberdinetan detektatu da.Hurrengo kapituluan, bigarren detekzio plataforma azaltzen da, zuntz bidez anplifikaturiko Ramanespektroskopian oinarritua. Kasu honetan, likidoz beteriko nukleodun polimerozko zuntz optikomikroegituratuak diseinatu, fabrikatu eta hiru zuntzen arteko konparaketa egiten da. Kasurik onenean, 5mmol/l-ko kontzentrazioan aurkitzen glukosaren zenbaketa limitea lortzen da ingurune urtsuan,erresoluzio nahikoa izanik SGLT2 inhibitore terapiaren jarraipena egiteko maila klinikoan.Azkenik, bi detekzio sistemak aplikazio errealetan erabiltzeko zein hobekuntza egin behar diren azaltzenda, esparru horietako lehen emaitza batzuk azalduz

    Polimero akrilikoak oftalmologian. Degradazio-prozesuaren analisia

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    The use of polymeric contact lenses has risen worldwide the last years. During the development of these lenses, acrylic based materials have aroused as the most used polymers due to their optical properties. Taking into account the importance of these polymers, in this work we have explained the history and evolution of the contact lenses together with the properties that optical materials must have. Moreover, three commonly used polymers have been chosen, poly(methylmethacrylate), po ly(ben zylacrylate) and poly(tert-butylacrylate), and their thermal degradation and their kinetic have been studied.; Ukipen-leiar polimerikoen erabilpena zabaltzen ari da munduko gizarte orotan. Gaur egungo lenteetara iristeko eman diren aurrerapauso guztiek oinarri akrilikodun materialen erabilpena izan dute amankomunean, ezaugarri optiko paregabeak dituztelako. Hori dela eta, lan honetan material horien historia, ukipen-leiarren bilakaera eta polimerozko material optikoek bete beharreko baldintzak azaltzen dira. Horrez gain, industria honetan erabiliak izan diren poli(metilmetakrilato)aren, poli(bentzilakrilato)aren eta poli(tert-butilakrilato)aren degradazio termikoak eta beren zinetika aztertu dira